Bartosz Witkowski - Blog.

Beginnings of an Evaluator

In this part we will take care of the necessities needed to actually start writing the first parts of an evaluator. Nothing complicated happens in this part but this will setup the groundwork for the later parts. Let’s get started then!

New concepts

Aliasing/unification expressions

An expression of the form X @ Y is equivalent to the expression Z = X, Z = Y.

Why is this valuable? We can use it in matches to make the code more readabe:

:- type foo ---> bar(int, int) ; baz(int, int, int) ; qux(string, string).

:- pred match_foo(foo::in, string::out) is det.
match_foo(Bar @ bar(_, _), String) :- do_something_with_bar(Bar, String).
match_foo(Baz @ baz(_, _, _), String) :- do_something_with_baz(Bar, String).
match_foo(Qux @ foo(_, _), String) :- do_something_with_qux(Qux, String).

Here the Bar/Baz/Qux are aliases to what’s on the other side of the @ operator.


The goal of this part is to implement these two predicates:

  1. eval(lisp_val::in, lisp_val::out) is semidet such that the output value is

    • for lisp_string the input value
    • for lisp_number the input value
    • for lisp_boolean the input value
    • for lisp_list([atom("quote"), X]) is X.
    • and the predicate should fail to unify for everything else.
  2. eval should be in a module named eval.

  3. read_expr(list(char)::in, lisp_val::out) is semidet which for now should just use with parser.top_level_expression where the Rest is an empty list

The main predicate should use read_expr and either output “Cannot read expression.”, “Cannot eval expression.” or show the eval-ed output.


$ ./main "'atom" 
$ ./main 2
$ ./main "\"a string\""
"a string"
$ ./main "(- -)"
Cannot eval expression!
$ ./main "5 (1)"
Cannot parse expression!


The full source code for this part can be found here.

The implementation for this part of the tutorial is nothing to write home about - very simple and easy to understand.

Let’s start with the eval module:

:- module eval.

:- interface.

:- import_module adts.

:- pred eval(lisp_val::in, lisp_val::out) is semidet.

:- implementation.

:- import_module list.

eval(X @ lisp_number(_), X).
eval(X @ lisp_string(_),  X).
eval(X @ lisp_bool(_), X).
eval(lisp_list(List), Out) :-
  List = [lisp_atom("quote") | Tail],
  Tail = [Out].

Like I said - nothing complicated - just remember how the @ operator works. Now for the main module:

    ( read_expr(CharList, Exp) ->
      ( eval(Exp, Evaled) ->
        io.write_string(show(Evaled) ++ "\n", IO_2, IO_Last)
      ; io.write_string("Cannot eval expression!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))
    ; io.write_string("Cannot parse expression!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))

Again, nothing tricky. This was way to easy - so in the next installment we’ll introduce a couple of new concepts, see you soon!
