In java there’s a
interface that defines a compareTo
method used for sorting/comparing objects.
For the unaware, comparing in Java works as follows - the compareTo
method returns a
value \(x\) such that:
\(x > 0 \iff this > that\),
and \(x = 0\) otherwise.
On the other hand Scala, defines a Ordered
trait that extends the Java
interface. Because mixin composition in Scala is possible, the
trait defines some additional concrete methods that depend on the
trait Ordered[T] extends Comparable[T] {
abstract def compare(that: T): Int
def <(that: T): Boolean = // ...
def <=(that: T): Boolean = // ...
def >(that: T): Boolean = // ...
def >=(that: T): Boolean = // ...
def compareTo(that: T): Int = // ...
By default the compareTo
method is an alias for the abstract compare
(this is mostly because in Scala < 2.8 Ordered
didn’t extend Comparable).
As you can see, Ordered[T]
in scala gives us comparison methods and we don’t
have to resort to ugly this.compareTo(that) > 0
Anyway, let’s define a simple Value
case class that holds integers:
case class Value(i: Int) extends Ordered[Value] {
def compare(that: Value) = this.i - that.i
Because Value
extends Ordered
we can use methods that expect a natural
ordering of objects - look at this interpreter session:
scala> val valueList = List(Value(1), Value(2), Value(3), Value(2), Value(1))
valueList: List[Value] = List(Value(1), Value(2), Value(3), Value(2), Value(1))
scala> valueList.sorted
res0: List[Value] = List(Value(1), Value(1), Value(2), Value(2), Value(3))
scala> valueList.min
res1: Value = Value(1)
By contrast, we can’t sort on classes not defining the Ordered
scala> case class UnOrderedValue(i: Int)
scala> val unOrderedValueList = List(UnOrderedValue(1), UnOrderedValue(2),
| UnOrderedValue(3), UnOrderedValue(2), UnOrderedValue(1))
unOrderedValueList: List[UnOrderedValue] = List(UnOrderedValue(1), UnOrderedVal
ue(2), UnOrderedValue(3), UnOrderedValue(2), UnOrderedValue(1))
scala> unOrderedValueList.sorted
<console>:11: error: No implicit Ordering defined for UnOrderedValue.
scala> unOrderedValueList.min
<console>:11: error: No implicit Ordering defined for UnOrderedValue.
Java/Scala also defines another kind of abstraction which is used to compare two
values. In java this interface is called
and in scala it’s Ordering
trait Ordering[T] extends Comparator[T] {
abstract def compare(x: T, y: T): Int
// concrete methods
can be thought as a more general interface then Ordered
- you can
have many Ordering
s available for a class, which for Ordered
isn’t possible without
Let’s create a generic container:
trait Box[T] {
def value: T
We can sort on it using this sort class:
class Sort[T](ordering: Ordering[Box[T]]) {
def apply(boxes: Seq[Box[T]]) = {
For Sort
to work, we have to define an Ordering
on Box
class BoxOrdering[T](ordering: Ordering[T]) extends Ordering[Box[T]] {
def compare(x: Box[T], y: Box[T]): Int =, y.value)
Now we can define a trivial box type:
case class IntBox(value: Int) extends Box[Int]
And we can sort sequences of IntBox
scala> val list = List(IntBox(1), IntBox(2), IntBox(3), IntBox(2), IntBox(1))
list: List[IntBox] = List(IntBox(1), IntBox(2), IntBox(3), IntBox(2), IntBox(1))
scala> val sort = new Sort(new BoxOrdering(scala.math.Ordering.Int))
sort: Sort[Int] = Sort@5e0e9cd0
scala> sort(list)
res5: Seq[Box[Int]] = List(IntBox(1), IntBox(1), IntBox(2), IntBox(2), IntBox(3))
This isn’t good as we can make it more general, but now let’s talk implicits.
An implicit parameter T
of a method, can be omitted when the argument can be
deduced by the compiler - when an implicit
instance of the type T
is in
Trivial example for Int
scala> def add(x: Int)(implicit y: Int) = x + y
add: (x: Int)(implicit y: Int)Int
scala> add(3)(4)
res9: Int = 7
scala> implicit val x: Int = 4
x: Int = 4
scala> add(3)
res10: Int = 7
Another type of implicits are implicit definitions which are used to create
conversions between objects of type A
to B
. If we have a method that expects
a parameter of type B
we can give it an instance of A
if there exists a
implicit method in scope:
implicit def aToB(a: A): B = ???
Concretely, lets go back and modify the IntBox
class giving it a +
case class IntBox(value: Int) extends Box[Int] {
def +(other: IntBox) = IntBox(value + other.value)
If we wanted +
to work on ints we could extend the functionality by defining
an implicit conversion between Int
and IntBox
implicit def intToIntBox(int: Int): IntBox = IntBox(int)
Now both versions will work:
scala> val a = IntBox(3)
a: IntBox = IntBox(3)
scala> val b = IntBox(4)
b: IntBox = IntBox(4)
scala> a + b.value
res16: IntBox = IntBox(7)
scala> a + b
res17: IntBox = IntBox(7)
Coming back to our Box
example - the scala library defines an implicit
conversion between Ordered[T]
and Ordering[T]
and vice-versa. We can use
this to define a universal sorting function on Box
object boxSort {
def apply[T](boxes: Seq[Box[T]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[T]) = {
val boxOrdering = new BoxOrdering(ordering)
And now, sorting works as expected:
scala> val list = List(IntBox(1), IntBox(2), IntBox(3), IntBox(2), IntBox(1))
list: List[IntBox] = List(IntBox(1), IntBox(2), IntBox(3), IntBox(2), IntBox(1))
scala> boxSort(list)
res18: Seq[Box[Int]] = List(IntBox(1), IntBox(1), IntBox(2), IntBox(2), IntBox(3))
I’ve written a little post about typeclasses (Ordering
is in fact a type
class) you can check it out here
section - thanks to
Marcus Bosten for pointing that out