Recently, I’ve found myself thinking about logic programming more and more and I wanted to try implementing a logic programming system in Scala.
I’ve based my implementation on Oleg Kiselyov’s toy kanren implementation, stealing some ideas from P. Jansson & J. Jeuring, Functional Pearl: Polytypic Unification.
The essence of logic programming is twofold: relations and unification.
A relation \(R\) over sets \(X, Y\) is a subset of the Cartesian product \(X \times Y\), written \(x R y\) such that \(x \in X, y \in Y\).
We will express relations in Scala using functions assigning a (possibly empty) list of values, to values:
class Relation[X, Y] private (private[Relation] val f: X => LazyList[Y])
We use LazyList
as the computations might be potentially infinite.
We can define two primitive relations, fail
which associates to no result for
any value and succeed
- a trivial relation that associates the given value to
the given value.
object Relation {
def fail[A] = new Relation[A, A](_ => LazyList.empty)
def succeed[A] = new Relation[A, A](a => LazyList(a))
We will use combinators to create more complicated relations:
class Relation[X, Y] private (private[Relation] val f: X => LazyList[Y]) {
def apply(x: X) = f(x)
def map[Z](g: Y => Z): Relation[X, Z] = new Relation( x =>
Mapping a relation \(xRy \subseteq X \times Y\) by g
, creates a new relation \(S \subseteq X \times Z\) which “relates” the values of the codomain by \(g\) - \(S = \{ (x, z) \mid x \in X, y \in Y, z \in Z \wedge xRy \wedge z = g(y) \}\)
We can test it:
scala> Relation.succeed[Int].map(_ + 1).apply(0).toList
val res0: List[Int] = List(1)
scala> Relation.succeed[Int].map(_ + 1).apply(2).toList
val res1: List[Int] = List(3)
scala> Relation.succeed[Int].map { x => x * x }.apply(2).toList
val res2: List[Int] = List(4)
We can implement flatMap
in similar vain - simply by flatMap
ping on the LazyList
def flatMap[Z](g: Y => Relation[Y, Z]): Relation[X, Z] = new Relation( x =>
this.f(x).flatMap { y =>
Another combinator disjunction
, or \/
composes relations so that all results of both relations are returned:
def disjunction(other: Relation[X, Y]): Relation[X, Y] = new Relation[X, Y]( x =>
this.f(x) #::: other.f(x)
def \/(other: Relation[X, Y]) = disjunction(other)
scala> val square = Relation.succeed[Int].map { x => x * x }
val square: logprog.Relation[Int,Int] = logprog.Relation@46ba6f25
scala> val cube = Relation.succeed[Int].map { x => x * x * x }
val cube: logprog.Relation[Int,Int] = logprog.Relation@275bad01
scala> val r = square \/ cube
val r: logprog.Relation[Int,Int] = logprog.Relation@17a1b96d
scala> r(1).toList
val res0: List[Int] = List(1, 1)
scala> r(2).toList
val res1: List[Int] = List(4, 8)
scala> r(3).toList
val res2: List[Int] = List(9, 27)
Similarly, we can create a conjunction of relations: a new relation that composes values belonging to both relations.
def conjunction[Z](other: Relation[Y, Z]): Relation[X, Z] = new Relation[X, Z]( x =>
def /\[Z](other: Relation[Y, Z]) = conjunction(other)
scala> val positive = Relation.succeed[Int].flatMap { x =>
| if (x <= 0) {
| } else {
| Relation.succeed
| }
| }
val positive: logprog.Relation[Int,Int] = logprog.Relation@2fd9ec38
scala> (r /\ positive)(-1).toList
val res3: List[Int] = List(1)
scala> (r /\ positive)(2).toList
val res4: List[Int] = List(4, 8)
scala> (r /\ positive)(-3).toList
val res5: List[Int] = List(9)
Taking a page out of Oleg Kiselyov’s description - a logic variable is a way of encoding improvable knowledge (or less optimistically improvable ignorance):
To start we will use a simple String
representation of variable ids:
case class VarId (val id: String)
And we will use a standard scala Map
for knowledge representation (variable bindings or substitutions):
case class Knowledge[T](map: Map[VarId, T])
object Knowledge {
def empty[T] = Knowledge(Map.empty[VarId, T])
We will define unification in terms of a type class like the authors of Polytpic Unification:
abstract class Unifiable[T] {
* Subterms of T i.e
* prolog equivalent | should return
* -----------------------+---------------------
* some_functor(a, b, c) | [a, b, c]
* 5, | []
* [a, b, c] | [a, [b, c]]
* IOW children should return the "shape" of the type or type constructor.
def children(t: T): List[T]
* Some iff t can be projected into a VarId
def varCheck(t: T): Option[VarId]
* Equality of the terms not including children
* LHS prolog equivalent | RHS prolog equivalent | should return
* -----------------------|----+-------------------+-----------------
* some_functor(a, b, c) | some_functor(a, b, c) | true
* some_functor(a, b, c) | some_functor(x, y, z) | true
* some_functor(a, b, c) | some_functor(a, b) | false
* some_functor(a, b, c) | other_functor(a, b, c) | false
* 5 | 5 | true
* 5 | 4 | false
* [a, b, c] | [a, b, c] | true
* [a, b, c] | [a] | true
* [a, b, c] | [a, b] | true
* [a, b, c] | [b, b] | true
* [a, b, c] | [] | false
* 5 | functor(a, b, c) | false
* topLevelEquivalent(t1, t2) iff topLevelEquivalent(t2, t1)
def topLevelEquivalent(t1: T, t2: T): Boolean
* Enables lookups.
def mapChildren(t: T)(f: T => T): T
Understanding why children
and topLevelEquivalent
should behave as above
it’s useful to look first at an example unifiable type, and the unification function itself.
sealed abstract class Universe
object Universe {
case class UVar(v: VarId) extends Universe {
def apply() = v
case class UInt(int: Int) extends Universe {
def apply() = int
case object UNil extends Universe
case class UCons(h: Universe, tail: Universe) extends Universe
implicit val unifiable: Unifiable[Universe] = new Unifiable[Universe] {
def children(t: Universe): List[Universe] = t match {
case UInt(_) | UVar(_) | UNil=>
case UCons(h, t) => List(h, t)
def mapChildren(t: Universe)(f: Universe => Universe): Universe = t match {
case atomic @ (UInt(_) | UVar(_) | UNil) =>
case UCons(l, r) =>
UCons(f(l), f(r))
def varCheck(t: Universe): Option[VarId] = t match {
case UVar(v) => Some(v)
case other => None
def topLevelEquivalent(l: Universe, r: Universe): Boolean = (l, r) match {
case (UVar(l), UVar(r)) => l == r
case (UInt(l), UInt(r)) => l == r
case (UCons(_, _), UCons(_, _)) => true
case (UNil, UNil) => true
case _ => false
To implement unification we need to add some methods to Knowledge
case class Knowledge[T](map: Map[VarId, T])(implicit uni: Unifiable[T]) {
* Modify or introduce a binding `v <- t`
def modBind(v: VarId, t: T) = {
copy(map.updated(v, t))
* Recursively looks up the value of variable `v` (if any)
def lookup(v: VarId): Option[T] = {
map.lift(v).flatMap { t =>
* If `t` is a var or contains a var look it up recursively.
private[this] def walk(t: T): Option[T] = {
uni.varCheck(t) match {
case None =>
uni.mapChildren(t) { x =>
// best effort
case Some(otherVar) =>
Now we can, finally, implement unification:
object Unification {
* Unify t1 with t2 assuming no knowledge.
def unify[T](t1: T, t2: T)(implicit unifiable: Unifiable[T]): Option[Knowledge[T]] = {
unifyWith(t1, t2, Knowledge.empty[T])
* Unify t1 with t2 using/improving the passed knowledge.
def unifyWith[T](
t1: T,
t2: T,
knowledge: Knowledge[T])(
implicit unifiable: Unifiable[T]): Option[Knowledge[T]] = {
def unifyTerms(l: T, r: T, k0: Knowledge[T]): Option[Knowledge[T]] = {
val children = unifiable.children(l).zip(unifiable.children(r))
children.foldLeft(Some(s0) : Option[Knowledge[T]]) { case (maybeK, (l, r)) =>
maybeK.flatMap { knowledge =>
unifyWith(l, r, knowledge)
(unifiable.varCheck(t1), unifiable.varCheck(t2)) match {
case (None, None) =>
if (unifiable.topLevelEquivalent(t1, t2)) {
unifyTerms(t1, t2, knowledge)
} else {
case (Some(l), Some(r)) =>
if (l == r) {
} else {
bind(l, t2, knowledge)
case (Some(l), None) =>
bind(l, t2, knowledge)
case (None, Some(r)) =>
bind(r, t1, knowledge)
def bind[T](
v: VarId,
t: T,
knowledge: Knowledge[T])(
implicit unifiable: Unifiable[T]): Option[Knowledge[T]] = {
* Trying to unify `V` with `foo(V, b, c)` should fail as this is
* equivalent to infinite regress.
if (occursCheck(v, knowledge, t)) {
} else {
knowledge.lookup(v) match {
case None =>
Some(knowledge.modBind(v, t))
case Some(otherT) =>
unifyWith(t, otherT, knowledge).map { s1 => s1.modBind(v, t) }
* Recursively checks if `v` occurs in `t` using the supplied knowledge.
def occursCheck[T](
v: VarId,
knowledge: Knowledge[T],
t: T)(implicit unifiable: Unifiable[T]): Boolean = {
def reachlist(l: List[VarId]): List[VarId] = l ::: l.flatMap(reachable)
def reachable(v: VarId): List[VarId] = reachlist(
knowledge.lookup(v).map { x => vars(x) }.getOrElse(List.empty)
// v may be aliased to some other variable
val aliased = knowledge.lookup(v).flatMap(unifiable.varCheck) match {
case Some(alias) =>
case None =>
private[this] def subTerms[T](t: T)(implicit unifiable: Unifiable[T]): List[T] = {
t :: unifiable.children(t).flatMap { x => subTerms(x) }
private[this] def vars[T](t: T)(implicit unifiable: Unifiable[T]): List[VarId] = {
subTerms(t).map(unifiable.varCheck).collect { case Some(v) => v }
And a small test:
scala> def ulist(us: Universe*): Universe = us.foldRight(UNil : Universe)(UCons.apply)
def ulist(us: logprog.test.Universe*): logprog.test.Universe
scala> val x: Universe = UVar(VarId("x"))
val x: logprog.test.Universe = UVar(VarId(x))
scala> val y: Universe = UVar(VarId("y"))
val y: logprog.test.Universe = UVar(VarId(y))
scala> import Unification._
import Unification._
scala> import Universe._
import Universe._
scala> val k1 = unifyWith(x, y, Knowledge.empty).get
val k1: logprog.Knowledge[logprog.test.Universe] = Knowledge(x -> UVar(VarId(y)))
scala> val k2 = unifyWith(x, UInt(1), k1).get
val k2: logprog.Knowledge[logprog.test.Universe] = Knowledge(x -> UInt(1), y -> UInt(1))
scala> val k3 = unifyWith(ulist(x, y), ulist(y, UInt(1)), Knowledge.empty).get
val k3: logprog.Knowledge[logprog.test.Universe] = Knowledge(x -> UVar(VarId(y)), y -> U Int(1))
scala> println(k3.lookup(VarId("x")))
scala> println(k3.lookup(VarId("y")))
scala> val k0 = Knowledge.empty[Universe].
| modBind(VarId("v"), uvar("w")).modBind(VarId("w"), uvar("z"))
val k0: logprog.Knowledge[logprog.test.Universe] = Knowledge(v -> UVar(VarId(w)), w -> UVar(VarId(z)))
scala> println("v in [1 | z]? " + Unification.occursCheck(VarId("v"), k0, UCons(UInt(1), uvar("z"))))
v in [1 | z]? true
scala> println("z in [1 | v]? " + Unification.occursCheck(VarId("z"), k0, UCons(UInt(1), uvar("v"))))
z in [1 | v]? true
scala> println("v in [1 | 2]? " + Unification.occursCheck(VarId("v"), k0, UCons(UInt(1), UInt(2))))
v in [1 | 2]? false
Our logic programming system will be implemented through (endo-)relations of Knowledge
to Knowledge
. We will call such relations goals or predicates, and start the implementation of our system with the primitive goal unify
def unify[T : Unifiable](t1 : T, t2: T) = succeed[Knowledge[T]].flatMap { knowledge =>
Unification.unifyWith(t1, t2, knowledge) match {
case Some(newKnowledge) => => newKnowledge)
case None =>
We will program the next goal choice
against the concrete Universe
implicit class UniverseHasUnify(u: Universe) {
def ===(v: Universe) = Relation.unify(u, v)
* Succeeds when `x` is a member of `list`.
def choice(x: Universe, list: Universe): Relation[Knowledge[Universe], Knowledge[Universe]] = Relation.succeed[Knowledge[Universe]].flatMap { k =>
list match {
case UCons(h, t) =>
(x === h) \/
(choice(x, t))
case other =>
At this step we’ll introduce some syntax allowing us to “run: predicates:
object Relation {
implicit class PredicateSyntax[T : Unifiable](p: Relation[Knowledge[T], Knowledge[T]]) {
def run = p.apply(Knowledge.empty[T])
def run1 = run.head
def runAll = run.toList
Running a predicate produces all of the results of the goal (the knowledge obtained when reasoning).
scala> println(choice(UInt(2), ulist(List(1, 2, 3).map(uint))).runAll)
/* yes indeed, 2 is a member of [1, 2, 3] */
scala> println(choice(UInt(10), ulist(List(1, 2, 3).map(UInt))).runAll)
/* empty list corresponds to failure, no 10 is not a member of [1, 2, 3] */
scala> println(choice(x, ulist(List(1, 2, 3).map(UInt))).runAll)
List(Knowledge(x -> UInt(1)), Knowledge(x -> UInt(2)), Knowledge(x -> UInt(3)))
/* x is a member of [1, 2, 3] then x is either 1, 2, or 3 */
Another predicate we can implement:
* x is the common element of l1 and l2.
def commonElement(x: Universe, l1: Universe, l2: Universe) = Relation.succeed[Knowledge[Universe]].flatMap { _ =>
choice(x, l1) /\
choice(x, l2)
Because using and declaring predicates will be so common we could use with some syntax sugar:
object Relation {
type Predicate[T] = Relation[Knowledge[T], Knowledge[T]]
And because we actually never want to modify Knowledge
in non-primitive
predicates we will use this method for defining predicates:
def defpred[T : Unifiable](p: Predicate[T]) = succeed[Knowledge[T]].flatMap { _ =>
Which enables us to define commonElement as follows:
def commonElement(x: Universe, l1: Universe, l2: Universe) = defpred[Universe](
choice(x, l1) /\
choice(x, l2)
scala> println(
| commonElement(
| x,
| ulist(List(1, 2, 3).map(UInt)),
| ulist(List(3, 4, 5).map(UInt))).runAll)
List(Knowledge(x -> UInt(3)))
/* the common element of [1, 2, 3] and [3, 4, 5] is 3 */
scala> println(
| commonElement(
| x,
| ulist(List(1, 2, 3).map(uint)),
| ulist(List(3, 4, 1, 7).map(uint))).runAll)
List(Knowledge(x -> UInt(1)), Knowledge(x -> UInt(3)))
/* the common elements of [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 1, 7] are 1 or 3 */
scala> println(
| commonElement(
| x,
| ulist(List(11, 2, 3).map(uint)),
| ulist(List(13, 4, 1, 7).map(uint))).runAll)
/* [11, 2, 3] and [13, 4, 1, 7] have no common elements */
I could go on with the definitions of a cons
and append
predicates, but even at this stage it’s
apparent that the current implementation has some pretty serious limitations.
Firstly, the logical variables we use aren’t scoped in any way - introducing
the variable x
does so “globally”.
Secondly, while we are able to write predicates against any arbitrary universe of types, implementing the actual predicates loses the benefit of scala’s type system as the implemented predicates are dynamic/unityped.
I will address these shortcomings in the next blog post.