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Installing mercury

You can download mercury from the mercury downloads page.

Installation is pretty simple:

Installation instructions for linux

  1. Download the latest stable version archive from the mercury download page in my case it was 14.01
  2. Extract the tar archive wherever you want it - I put it in /usr/local/src
  3. Run: $ ./configure - here you can also enable or disable grades (target platforms), but let’s go with the defaults for now - it will be enough for this tutorial.
  4. Run: $ make unfortunately this will take a long time - so if you have multiple cores available instead run: $ make -j2 (or 2, or 4, 6, 8 - depending on the number of cores you have)
  5. Run: $ sudo make install again this can take quite a while so running it with -jN is quite a good idea.

fter installing

If everything went alright you should be able to call:

$ mmc --version

On my system this prints out:

Mercury Compiler, version 14.01, configured for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Copyright (C) 1993-2014 The University of Melbourne

If you’ve got any errors then something went wrong - check the outputs of configure and/or make.

Destructive Input and Unique Output modes

Before we can discuss hello world there’s one more thing we need to discuss. In the previous article we talked about the in and out modes that a predicate can have. Now we’ll talk about di (Destructive Input) and uo (Unique Output) modes.

Modes are defined in mercury as relations between instatnation states. As of now we known about two instatnation states: free and ground.

An in mode declares that this predicate expects a free variable before unification and that variable will be ground after. We can succinctly write out all modes that are of interest for now1

  1. :- mode in == ground >> ground
  2. :- mode out == free >> ground
  3. :- mode di == unique >> clobbered
  4. :- mode uo == free >> unique

We see two unknown instantiation states here: unique and clobbered. The two are duals to each other in the same way that free and ground are. We can think of the di mode the same way we think of the in mode with one very important distinction: when you unify a unique variable it becomes clobbered. clobbered is an instantation state that cannot be unified again - trying to unify a clobbered variable will result in a compile-time error.

This may seem a little strange but we’ll see what this is for shortly.

Effects and side-effects

Effects and side-effects are really hard to define. I’ve tried tackling this subject in an article, but here I will try to appeal to the intuition.

A side-effect is everything that breaks equation reasoning i.e the program cannot be interpreted as a series of substitutions anymore.

While we can program imperative languages so that they don’t break equational reasoning (i.e don’t introduce side effects) the ability to introduce side effects is inherent to all imperative languages. Side effects may include:

Defining effects is trickier - while we might say that an effect is an controlled effect I’d like to propose another (layman) definition: an effect is a value that needs a special interpreter (usually in the form of a compiler library) that when interpreted will directly affect state, values or the “physical world”.

This definition will come in handy soon. I promise.

Mercury, like haskell doesn’t allow side-effects. As you might have guessed by the previous section controlling effects in mercury is done through the di and uo modes.

To start we will be interested in only one effect: printing to the screen. For an example let’s proceed to the hello world program.

Hello world

A minimal program in mercury has some ceremony behind it. This is hello world:

:- module hello_world.

:- interface.

:- import_module io.

:- pred main(io, io).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.

:- implementation.

main(Io_In, Io_Out) :-
    io.write_string("Hello world!\n", Io_In, Io_Out).

Btw you can find the full code here

To compile it we simply run:

$ mmc hello_world

And then run

$ ./hello_world

If all is well you should have successfully said hello to the world. Now let’s analyze the program.

Mercury code is located inside modules. A module must have a name. The line:

:- module hello_world.

Declares the hello_world module. Next line:

:- interface.

Declares the start of the interface section.

In the interface section we import the io module - we need that for the io type (used by the main predicate).

  1. A library module needs to export all visible predicates
  2. A mercury program needs to export the “special” main predicate. main in mercury is special the same way that main in C is special. It’s the default method that mercury tries to call (or rather expects in a executable).

The next lines do just that - declare the main predicate and its mode and end the interface section (by starting the implementation section).

:- pred main(io, io).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.

:- implementation.

Finally we get the implementation of main:

main(Io_In, Io_Out) :-
    io.write_string("Hello world!\n", Io_In, Io_Out).

The effect of io.write_string is writing a string to the output stream.

IO and equational reasoning

The way we can think of io and effects is that the io type (used in the main predicate) accumulates the “changes” (or effects) that need to be done. Then after main unifies the resulting io type is interpreted (by some abstract mercury runtime).

In our hello_world program the resulting io type only “contains” one io action: printing out “Hello world!\n” - but in general it can have much more (reading from stdin, creating files, reading files etc).

What’s important that this is may not be how real mercury programs will execute but because it the end this will be exactly the same as if they would we can think of them in this way - and that’s very powerful because it preserves equational reasoning of programs.

What’s up next

In the next part we will actually start implementing the first parts of our scheme interpreter. Stay tuned!


  1. this is actually straight out of the documentation and the syntax :- mode X == Y. is how mercury defines its modes. We can take a look at builtin.m or its online documentation: documentation to see all the modes in their glory.