Bartosz Witkowski - Blog.

Recursion and Parsing Whitespace


In this part we’ll extend our simple parser to match against symbols preceded by arbitrary amounts of whitespace:

$ ./main '      
Found match: $

We’ll use BNF to describe grammars from now on - if you don’t know BNF check out the above wikipedia entry and familiarize yourself with it.

The grammar we want to match is:

rule ::= whitespace symbol
whitespace ::= whitespace1 whitespace | ""
whitespace1 ::= ' ' | '\t'

whitespace1 is either a space or a tab. In general we won’t worry about new lines.


Previously to print out a match we used this very convoluted construction:

io.write_string("Found match: ", IO_2, IO_3),
io.write_char(C, IO_3, IO_4),
io.write_string("\n", IO_4, IO_Last)

Using some append predicate for strings wouldn’t be actually that much better:

% this is pseudocode mercury doesn't have a - `append(in, in, out) is det.` predicate
S_1 = "Found match: ",
append(S_1, C, S_2),
append(S2, "\n", S_3),
io.write_string(S3, IO_2, IO_Last)

For situations such as these you can use functions. Mercury has some support for functional programming but it’s embedded in the “logical world” we discussed before.

By default functions in mercury behave just like det predicates but have one special “output” argument. They aren’t just syntax sugar - functions occupy their own name space and you can have functions names with the same arity (+1) as a predicate.

In general function declarations have the form:

:- func function_name(t1, t2, t3, ..., tn) = to.

Where t1, .., tn - are input types (can be different, same as in a predicate), and to is the output type. Functions of two input arguments can also use an infix style - and that style is used in the ++ function that can append two strings (from the string module):

:- func string ++ string = string.

We can unify the output of a function with either on the left or the right side:

X = some_function(a, b, c),
some_function(a, b, c) = X.

So using ++ and another function from the string module char_to_string we can rewrite the above to:

  io.write_string("Found match: " ++ char_to_string(C) ++ "\n!", IO_2, IO_Last)

We will use functions to simplyfy the parser code.


To be able to parse one or more (or in this case 0 or more) characters we need to introduce the concept of recursion.

In logic programming as well as functional programming recursion replaces the imperative notion of looping - it is important to remember that recursion can represent everything that simple looping could.

For an example of recursion let’s analyze a predicate calculating a length of a list:

:- pred list_length(list(A)::int, int::out) is det.
list_length(List, Size) :-
  ([X | Xs] = List ->
    list_length(Xs, Tail_Size),
    Size = Tail_Size + 1
  ; Size = 0).

+ is a function defined on ints and it works exactly like you think it should ;). The A in list(A) stands for a generic argument - the list predicate should work for all types of lists.

Let’s analyze how this works. First let’s try unifying with an empty list

list_length([], Size) 
% -->
( [X | Xs] = [] ->
  list_length(Xs, Tail_Size),
  Size = Tail_Size + 1
; Size = 0)
% [X | Xs] = [] obviously fails so we unify:
Size = 0

Now for this list: [a, b, c]

list_length([a, b, c], Size), Size
% -->
( [X | Xs] = [a, b, c] ->
  list_length(Xs, Tail_Size),
  Size = Tail_Size + 1
; Size = 0),
% [X | Xs] = [a, b, c] unifies to X = a, Xs = [b, c] so:
list_length([b, c], Tail_Size),
Size = Tail_Size + 1,
% we must unify Tail_Size first:
( [X | Xs] = [b, c] ->
  list_length(Xs, Tail_Size_2), % name clash here - renamed the second argument
  Tail_Size = Tail_Size_2 + 1
; Tail_Size = 0),
Size = Tail_Size + 1,
% [X | Xs] = [b, c] unifies X with b and Xs with [c]
list_length([c], Tail_Size_2),
Tail_Size = Tail_Size_2 + 1
Size = Tail_Size + 1,
% We must expand list_length([c], Tail_Size_2)
([X | Xs] = [c] ->
  list_length([], Tail_Size_3),
  Tail_Size_2 = Tail_Size_3 + 1
; Tail_Size_2 = 0),
Tail_Size = Tail_Size_2 + 1
Size = Tail_Size + 1,
% [X | Xs] = [c] unifies X = c, Xs = []
list_length([], Tail_Size_3),
Tail_Size_2 = Tail_Size_3 + 1
Tail_Size = Tail_Size_2 + 1
Size = Tail_Size + 1,
% Again we expand list_length([], Tail_Size_3) - but we know that unifies
% Tail_Size_3 with 0 so:
Tail_Size_2 = 0 + 1
Tail_Size = Tail_Size_2 + 1
Size = Tail_Size + 1,
% 0 + 1 unifies to 1 -->
Tail_Size = 1 + 1
Size = Tail_Size + 1,
% 1 + 1 unifies to 2 ->
Size = 2 + 1,
% Unifies to
Size = 3.

Tail Recursion / Last Call Optimization

You may have noticed that every expansion of the list_length introduces a variable “lagging” behind waiting to be unified - this is the unfortunate side-effect of structuring predicates this way. Those variables will take up space on the stack and in extrema cases may blow it.

There is a “trick” to make that work however, consider this two predicate:

:- pred list_length(list(A)::int, int::out) is det.
list_length(List, Size) :- 
  list_length_aux(List, 0, Size).

:- pred list_length_aux(list::in, int::in, int::out) is det.
list_length_aux(List, Acc, Size) :-
  ( List = [X | Xs] ->
    list_length_aux(Xs, Acc + 1, Size)
  ; Size = Acc).

The whole logic moved to the helper list_length_aux method - and there the introduction of helper variables might seem weird but let’s see this at work:

list_length([a, b, c], Size), Size.
% expanding list_length -->
list_length_aux([a, b, c], 0, Size), Size.
% --->
( [a, b, c] = [X | Xs] ->
  list_length_aux(Xs, 0 + 1, Size)
; Size = 0),
%  [a, b, c] = [X | Xs] unifies X with a, and Xs with [b, c] so
list_length_aux([b, c], 0 + 1, Size)
% -->
( [b, c] = [X | Xs] ->
  list_length_aux(Xs, 1, Size)
; Size = 1),
% [b, c] = [X | Xs] unifies X to b and Xs to [c]
list_length_aux([c], 1 + 1, Size),
% --->
( [c] = [X | Xs] ->
  list_length_aux(Xs, 2 + 1, Size)
; Size = 2),
% [c] = [X | Xs] unifies X with c and Xs with []
list_length_aux([], 2 + 1, Size)
% -->
( [] = [X | Xs] ->
  list_length_aux(Xs, 3, Size)
; Size = 3),
% [] = [X | Xs] will fail so:
Size = 3, Size.

As you see now we don’t pollute the stack with unnecessary variables. This technique is known in fp-circles as “tail call optimization” (TCO) and in logic programming circles as “last call optimization (LCO).

If we can represent the recursion in a predicate in such a way that the recursive unification is the last thing done (the predicate is not unified) the mercury runtime will be able to “trim” away unneeded stack so it will behave exactly like we have shown above.

This often needs the introduction of an auxiliary variable - sometimes called the accumulator and (and this technique is sometimes called accumulator passing style).

To ease the use of such predicates some “public” predicate most often then not are used to (like list_length, and list_length_aux here).

You can view recursion like mathematical induction - to help you get started think about “the base case” and the “next step”.


Implement all the following predicates using accumulator passing style, if you think it is worth it implement using “simple recursion”. It may be worthwhile trying to analyze the predicates as I did above for list_length.


:- pred last(list(A)::in, A::out) is semidet.

Unifies with the last element of the list or fails on empty list.


:- pred sum(list(int)::in, int::out) is det.

Unifies with the sum of elements in the list or 0 on empty list.


:- pred reverse(list(A)::in, list(A)::out) is det.

Unifies the output list with the reverse of the input list. Hints:


:- pred append(list(A)::in, list(A)::in, list(A)::out).

Unifies the output list to the concatenation of the first list input list with the second one.


true and false

To explicitly fail a predicate (like for example on some condition) use false, likewise true will always succeed. This will help us define some predicates (in particular whitespace1).

Parsing whitespace

So, after this theoretical introduction we’re now ready to extend our program.


To parse the grammar defined by the BNF above we’ll introduce three new predicates corresponding to the rules:

  1. :- pred rule(char::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
  2. :- pred whitespace(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is det.
  3. :- pred whitespace1(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.


$ ./main '    a'
No match!
$ ./main '    !'
Found match: !
$ ./main '@'
Found match: @
$ ./main '   $ '
Found match: $


The full code for this part is here

Let’s skip the obvious parts that haven’t changed:

:- module main.

:- interface.

:- import_module io.

:- pred main(io, io).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.

:- implementation.

:- import_module char, string, list.

:- pred symbol(char::out, list(char)::in, list(character)::out) is semidet.
symbol(C, ListIn, ListOut) :-
    ListIn = [C | ListOut],
    string.contains_char("!$%&|*+-/:<=>?@^_~#", C).

So for the meat and bones let’s have a look at the whitespace1 predicate

:- pred whitespace1(list(char)::in, list(char)::out).
whitespace1(ListIn, ListOut) :-
    ListIn = [C | ListOut],
    ( C = ' ' ->
    ; C = '\t').

So the whitespace1 parser first tries to extract the head and tail of the list, we can unify ListOut with the tail here - whitespace1 only consumes one char.

Then we compare the char with ‘ ‘ - in the consequent we explicitly succeed using true and in the alternative we compare C with = ‘\t’ (either failing or succeeding).

:- pred whitespace(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet. 
whitespace(ListIn, ListOut) :-
  ( whitespace1(ListIn, Rest) ->
    whitespace(Rest, ListOut)
  ; ListIn = ListOut).

Here we have the recursive definition of whitespace - nothing fancy. The base case is the 0-repetitions of whitespace where we succeed unifying ListIn to ListOut - and for the recursive step we unify the Rest of the characters with whitespace.

:- pred rule(char::out, list(char)::in, list(character)::out) is semidet.
rule(Symbol, ListIn, ListOut) :-
  whitespace(ListIn, Without_Whitespace),
  symbol(Symbol, Without_Whitespace, ListOut).

Here we just pass the input list to the whitespace parser possibly stripping out any optional whitespace and then passing that to the symbol parser.

The updated main predicate looks like this:

main(IO_1, IO_Last) :-
    io.command_line_arguments(Arguments, IO_1, IO_2),
    ( Arguments = [First | _Rest] ->
      string.to_char_list(First, CharList),
      ( rule(C, CharList, _Other_Chars) ->
        io.write_string("Found match: " ++ char_to_string(C) ++ "\n", IO_2, IO_Last)
      ; io.write_string("No match!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))
    ; io.write_string("No arguments given!\n", IO_2, IO_Last)).

Ending words

Uff! That’s all for this part - in the next part we’ll define the core data structures for our interpreter, then we’ll have sidetrack a bit and discuss better parsing methods.
