In this part we’ll start implementing our evaluator. As a first step we’re going to just print out what was parsed.
I’ve written about typeclasses in scala before so if you do know scala but don’t know typeclasses you can take a peek.
We won’t cover every nook and cranny of typeclasses but I’ll try to present the general gist of them. Typeclasses are a mechanism for compile time predicate dispatch. That sounds loaded but is actually quite simple - typeclasses allow you to define a set of predicates and functions that can be reused with multiple types - example application: operator overloading (though operator overloading is not implemented that way in mercury).
Concretely, let’s consider this simple typeclass:
:- typeclass show(T) where [
pred show(T, string),
mode show(in, out) is det
The syntax for typeclasses is the :-
token which start almost all
“type” related declarations the typeclass
keyword followed by a comma
separated list of parameters, followed by the where
Surrounded by the [
and ]
tokens is a comma departed list of
predicates or functions.
A typeclass is a promise that some types may wish to hold. In our
example you may want enforce the show
promise. The show
promise is
simple - for some type T
we want its string
Let’s implement such a promise for the simples case of all - string
ing a string will unify the string with that string quoted:
:- instance show(string) where [
(show(String, "\"" +++ String ++ "\""))
Here you can see the instance declaration - sometimes called the
evidence that string
has show
(or is/supports show
). The other
possibility is to create the implementation in a separate predicate e.g
and use:
:- instance show(string) where [
pred(show/2) is show_string.
The pred(show/2)
is mercury’s way to disambiguate between predicates,
and functions and also between functions and predicates of different
arity. We will use this notation foo/2
to always mean a foo
predicate with 2 arguments - unless explicitly stated it is a function.
We can use the show
typeclass by implementing a simple show
(typeclasses, functions, and predicates have a separate namespace so
there’s no ambiguity):
:- func show(T) = string <= show(T).
show(T) = String :- show(T, String).
The function declaration can be read as forall T such that T is show
define a function from T to string. At this stage it is important to
discern between the usage and the declaration - the forall word is key
here. This predicate “works” for all types that support show - even
those that are not written yet!
If you’re familiar with java or c++ or language that support
the above concept is one of the key to understanding the
differences between typeclasses and interfaces. The other big difference
is that the there is no “dynamic
dispatch if the compiler
can’t find the evidence that some type supports a given typeclass it
won’t compile. Example:
main(IO_1, IO_Last) :-
io.write_string(show("1"), IO_1, IO_2),
io.write_string(show(1), IO_2, IO_Last).
Because there’s no evidence that int supports the show
mercury will fail to compile this class.
Public typeclasses (i.e those that should be visible outside of the module that they are declared) should be declared in the interface section.
If you want to include a typeclass instance only a “stub” should be exported i.e:
:- instance show(string).
will export the show
instance for string. The actual instance should
be implemented in the implementation
Previously we discussed matching in this form:
( X = option_1
; X = option_2
; X = option_N
But there’s also an alternative that is sometimes useful. For example consider this adt:
:- type foo ---> bar ; baz.
And the predicate
:- pred show_foo(foo::in, string::out) is det.
show_foo(Foo, String) :-
( Foo = bar
String = "bar"
; Foo = baz
String = "baz"
We can also write it using multiple rules this way:
:- pred show_foo(foo::in, string::out) is det.
show_foo(bar, "bar").
show_foo(baz, "baz").
Which at least for me is somewhat nicer. This will only work if the
match is complete (you cover all cases) - otherwise the predicate will
not be infered as det
1) Create the show
typeclass discussed above - the typeclass declaration should be in the
function implemented above and add it’s
and show(integer)
use integer.to_string(integer) = string
predicate and function. unwords
should unify a list of string to a single string
concatenating them with spaces (" "
).:- func unwords(list(string)) = string.
:- pred unwords(list(string)::in, string::out) is det.
2) In the adts
module add an instance of show(lisp_val)
- to make it easier create a predicate:
:- pred show_lisp_val(lisp_val::in, string::out) is det.
you should make use of show(string)
use show(integer)
unify the output string with the Atom_Name
should unify the output string with "#t"
should unify the output string with "#f"
should unify to a string that was constructed by wrapping parens around an unwords
-ed list of strings, in which each element was evaluated recurisively by show_lisp_val
i.e with an input argument lisp_list([lisp_atom("a"), lisp_number(integer(5))])
the output string should be (a 5)
lisp_dotted_list(List, Last)
should unify with a string in which the first part should be shown the same way as lisp_list(List)
was followed by a " . "
followed by the result of show_lisp_val(Last) i.e for lisp_dotted_list([lisp_atom("a"), lisp_number(integer(5))], lisp_boolean(yes))
the output should be "(a 5 . #t)"
3) In the main
ing that lisp_val
.Check out if this works:
$ ./main a
$ ./main '$'
$ ./main '(a$ b c . d)'
(a$ b c . d)
$ ./main '"foo"'
Full code for this part can be found here.
Let’s start from the changes in main
module - first we have to add two
imports to adts
and show
, then in the main
predicate modify what
happens after string.to_char_list(First, CharList)
( parser.top_level_expression(Exp, CharList, Rest) ->
( Rest = [] ->
io.write_string(show(Exp) ++ "\n", IO_2, IO_Last)
; io.write_string("Cannot parse expression!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))
; io.write_string("Cannot parse expression!!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))
Just a couple of changes and nothing fancy going on here - let’s tackle
the show
module starting with the interface
:- module show.
:- interface.
:- import_module string, integer, list.
:- typeclass show(T) where [
pred show(T, string),
mode show(in, out) is det
:- func unwords(list(string)) = string.
:- pred unwords(list(string)::in, string::out) is det.
:- func show(T) = string <= (show(T)).
:- instance show(integer).
:- instance show(string).
After importing string
, integer
and list
modules we export the
typeclasss declaration, the unwords
function and predicate
along with instances of show
for integer
and string
In the implementation section we can add instances of show(integer)
and show(string)
and add the implementation of the show(T)
:- implementation.
:- instance show(integer) where [
(show(Int, String) :- String = integer.to_string(Int))
:- instance show(string) where [
(show(String, "\"" ++ String ++ "\""))
show(T) = String :- show(T, String).
The only kind of complicated thing is the unwords
predicate let’s
break it down:
unwords([], "").
Ok, so this is trivial - a empty list
produces an empty string
for an not empty list:
unwords([Head|Tail], String) :-
unwords_aux(Tail, Head, String).
:- pred unwords_aux(list(string)::in, string::in, string::out) is det.
unwords_aux([], Res, Res).
unwords_aux([Head|Tail], Acc, Res) :-
unwords_aux(Tail, Acc ++ " " ++ Head, Res).
We use an auxiliary predicate with a accumulator passing style recursive rule where in the iterative step we append the current element to the accumulator.
Note that this may not be terribly efficient - it depends how string
is implemented in the worst case (where for example string is backed by
a string) this can be very inefficient.
Having done the show
module, let’s finish up the changes to the adts
module. In the interface section we only add one declaration:
:- instance show(lisp_val).
And in the implementation section we add the instance:
:- instance show(lisp_val) where [
pred(show/2) is show_lisp_val
Let’s go over show_lisp_val
part by part:
show_lisp_val(lisp_string(String), show(String)).
show_lisp_val(lisp_number(Integer), show(Integer)).
For lisp_string
and lisp_number
we just delegate to show(string)
and show(integer)
respectively, going forwards:
show_lisp_val(lisp_atom(Name), Name).
For lisp_atom
we print out the atom name. Now lisp_bool
show_lisp_val(lisp_bool(yes), "#t").
show_lisp_val(lisp_bool(no), "#f").
Note how we match both on lisp_val
and bool
here - we could rewrite
it so that matching on the boolean value be an inner match but this is
also possible.
Now for the trickier part:
show_lisp_val(lisp_list(List), String) :-
lisp_val_list_to_string_list(List, String_List),
unwords(String_List, Single_String),
String = "(" ++ Single_String ++ ")".
:- pred lisp_val_list_to_string_list(list(lisp_val)::in, list(string)::out) is det.
lisp_val_list_to_string_list(Val_List, String_List) :-
lisp_val_list_to_string_list_aux(Val_List, [], String_List).
:- pred lisp_val_list_to_string_list_aux(list(lisp_val)::in, list(string)::in, list(string)::out) is det.
lisp_val_list_to_string_list_aux([], Acc, list.reverse(Acc)).
lisp_val_list_to_string_list_aux([H | T], Acc, String_List) :-
show_lisp_val(H, String),
lisp_val_list_to_string_list_aux(T, [String | Acc], String_List).
Let’s go over lisp_val_list_to_string_list
first - again we
recursively match on the input list this time a list of lisp_val
s - in
each iteration step we convert the Head
to a string
and we append the String
to the accumulator. In the
base case we reverse the list so that it comes “the right way”.
Now show_lisp_val(lisp_list(...))
the list of strings into a
single list and adds parentheses to both sides.
for dotted_list
is not much different:
show_lisp_val(lisp_dotted_list(List, Last), String) :-
lisp_val_list_to_string_list(List, String_List),
unwords(String_List, List_String),
show_lisp_val(Last, Last_String),
String = "(" ++ List_String ++ " . " ++ Last_String ++ ")".
The only thing that differs is that we add the dot .
and the last
element (also converted to string using show_lisp_val
In the next part we will learn about higher order predicates and anonymous predicates and functions, so that we can start building our evaluator!