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DCGs and Parsing Continued

In this part we will add parsers to the data types that we created previously, also we’ll learn about some syntax sugar that makes writing parsers somewhat easier. Let’s get started!

New concepts

New predicates

Unifies if the input char is matches “a-zA-Z”

:- pred char.is_alpha(char::in) is semidet.

Unifies if the input char is matches “a-zA-Z”

:- pred char.is_digit(char::in) is semidet.

Tries to parse the string as an integer value. Fails if not possible.

:- func integer.from_string(string::in) = (integer::out) is semidet.

Converts a list of characters to a string. Note the uo mode in the output argument and see the next section.

:- pred string.from_char_list(list(char)::in, string::uo).
:- func string.from_char_list(list(char)::in) = (string::uo) is det.

More on uniqueness

In the previous parts we said that uo was free >> unique and that out modes were free » ground. We can convert a variable that’s unique to ground - but that unique variable will cease to be unique.

Now you might wonder “why”?

  1. Won’t this destroy reasoning about effects?
  2. Why use uo anywhere but in effectful predicates?

For 1. - no! If you think about it you’ll see that in the main predicate expects a pair of (di, uo) arguments - and doing anything to an unique variable will clobber it. The mode system would not allow anything done to the io type that would not preserve uniquness.

As for 2 - for unique variables mercury is able to do some magic optimizations - such as destructive updates (if we know that a string is unique we can change it in place and in the end the output won’t matter).

But don’t think too strongly about point 2 for now :).


While writing a parser using “just” plain old predicates is certainly possible we’ll introduce DCGs which will help ease the pain of writing out parsers.

We won’t go much into the theory of DCGs - I recommend reading the wikipedia entry and this prolog tutorial about DCGs. We also won’t cover “advanced” usages of DCGs such as passing state.

You may have noticed that the parser predicates that we wrote follow a certain pattern:

  1. Predicates in which we want the output argument (match) have that argument first, followed by the input list and the output list.
  2. Predicates that have no output argument have only the input list followed by the output list.

This was done explicitly for the purpose of compatibility with DCGs.

We will view DCGs as a simple syntax transformation (syntax sugar) that can transform predicates in the form:

foo(t1, ..., tn) --> body.

to the explicit forms we have writen above (t1, …, tn - is a list of arguments “not counting” the input/output lists - can be empty).

In the body of a DCG rule:

  1. predicates are read as DCG predicates i.e the input/output list are threaded implicitly i.e
foo --> bar, baz. 

is equivalent to:

foo(List_1, List_Out) :- bar(List_1, List_2), baz(List_2, List_Out). 
  1. rules surrounded by a { and } will be compiled down to “normal” mercury predicates (so without implicit passing of input/output lists).
  2. “constant” lists are equivalent to testing the elements of the input list against them i.e
foo ---> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']. 

is equivalent to:

   foo(List_In, List_Out) :-
     List_In = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd' | List_Out].
     % If the above is puzzling it just tries to unify
     % head of List_In with 'a', the head of the tail with 'b', etc 
     % and the rest (the tail^4) is unified with List_Out 

Why is this useful? Let’s tackle an example of a BNF grammar from this page (simplified to remove repetitions ‘{‘ X ‘}’ with recursion)

<program> ::= <reads> <writes>.
<reads> ::= "read" <var> <reads> | "".
<writes> ::= "write" <write_list>
<write_list> ::= <var> "," <write_list> | <var>.
<var> ::= a | b | c | d | e.

and here’s how this would look like in mercury using DCG-syntax (full code here)

:- pred program(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
program --> reads, writes.

:- pred reads(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is det.
reads --> (['r', 'e', 'a', 'd'], var -> reads ; []).

:- pred writes(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
writes --> ( ['w', 'r', 'i', 't', 'e'], write_list -> writes ; [] ).

:- pred write_list(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
write_list --> (var,  [','] -> write_list ; var).

:- pred var(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
var --> ['a'] ; ['b'] ; ['c'] ; ['d'] ; ['e'].

Hopefully it’s easy to see the similarity between DCGs and the BNF grammar - without having to explicit pass the input and output char lists it’s much much clearer to see the “what” and not the “how”.


Rewrite the following DCGs into predicate form, add signatures where non-trivial. Write the BNF grammar that corresponds to the DCG.


dcg1 --> ['!'].


dcg2(X) --> ['y', 'e', 's'], { X = yes }.


dcg3(A) --> ( dcg2(X), dcg1 -> A = X
            ; A = no).


dcg4 --> ( ['!'] -> dcg4 ; [] )

Rewrite the following predicates into DCG form, add signatures where non-trivial. Write the BNF grammar that corresponds to the DCG.


dcg5(List_In, List_Out) :-
  List_In = ['d', 'o', 'g' | List_Out].


dcg6(X, List_In, List_Out) :-
  List_In = [A | List_Out],


dcg7(List_In, List_Out) :-
  List_In = [A | Rest],
  ( A = '-' -> 
    dcg7(Rest, List_Out)
  ; List_Out = Rest).


dcg8(X, Y, List_In, List_Out) :-
  foo(X, List_In, L_1),
  bar(Y, L_1, List_Out).


The goal of this part is to parse this grammar:

<atom> ::= <letter-or-symbol> <atom-rest>
<string> ::= '"' <string_content> '"'
<number> ::= <digit> | <digit> <number>
<list> ::= "" | <expression> | <expression> <space> <list>
<dotted-list> ::=  <list> '.' <space> <expression>
<quoted> = "'" <expression>

<expression> ::= <atom>
               | <string>
               | <number>
               | <quoted>
               | '(' ( <list> | <dotted-list> ) ')'

<top-level-expression> ::= <optional_space> <expression> <optional_space>

<letter> ::= regex("a-zA-Z")
<digit> ::= regex("0-9")
<symbol> ::= '!' | '$' | '%' | '&' | '|' | '*' | '+' | '-' 
           | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '^'
           | '_' | '~' | '#'

<optional_space> ::= "" | (' ' | '\t') <optional_space>
<space> ::= (' ' | '\t') <optional_space>

<letter-or-symbol> = <letter> | <symbol>
<string_content> ::= "" | regex("^\"") <string_content>
<atom-rest> ::= "" | (<letter> | <digit> | <symbol>) | <atom-rest>


  1. In recursive predicates we don’t discern between a “proper” end of input and an improper one i.e ‘55a’ will be parsed as “55” and the parser will stop on unknown char ‘a’.
  2. To properly parse forms (), (a) and (a b) we introduce 3 rules in <list> - one for empty list, one for 1 element list and one for lists with spaces after the first element.

This should explain the weird looking dotted-list rule - intuitively we’d expect that as:

<dotted-list> ::= <list> <spaces> '.' <spaces> <expression>

but because <list> consumes spaces in last alternative and failures will

Parsing is only the first step - we also need to produce values:

  1. <atom> rule’s output should produce:

    • lisp_boolean(yes) if “#t” was parsed
    • lisp_boolean(no) if “#f” was parsed
    • lisp_atom(PARSED) (where PARSED was not “#t” nor “#f”)
  2. <number> rule’s output should produce lisp_number(PARSED)

  3. <quoted> rule’s output should produce lisp_list([lisp_atom("quote"), PARSED_EXPRESSION])

  4. <list> rule’s should unify with lisp_list(PARSED_EXPRESSIONS)

  5. <dotted-list> rule’s output should unify with lisp_dotted_list(PARSED_EXPRESSIONS_BEFORE_THE_DOT, PARSED_EXPRESSION)

Parsing and producing values should be done in module parsing only top_level_expression should be exported.

We’ll also need changes in the main module. We want to discern between “partial” matches and full matches - we have to check the output char list and see if it’s empty after unifying with top_level_expression.


$ ./main
No arguments given!
$ ./main 5
Found match!
$ ./main a
Found match!
$ ./main 5a
Partial match!
$ ./main 'a b'
Partial match!
$ ./main '()'
Found match!
$ ./main '(a)'
Found match!
$ ./main '(a b)'
Found match!
$ ./main '(a b c)'
Found match!
$ ./main '(a b 5a)'
No match!
$ ./main '(a . b)'
Found match!
$ ./main '#t'
Found match!
$ ./main '    '
No match!


  1. Start small - implement number parser first and flesh out top_level_expression, expression and the changes in the main module.
  2. After that do string, atom, quoted and then list and finally dotted_list predicates. Test after each new addition.
  3. Use two types of predicates/DCGs - ones for parsing and ones for producing values. E.g in my code I used parse_number to unify with the digits themselves but the number predicate takes the output of parse_number and has one number output that unifies with an integer.


For the whole project you can check out this directory .

Let’s start from the changes in the main module:

:- import_module parser.

main(IO_1, IO_Last) :-
  io.command_line_arguments(Arguments, IO_1, IO_2),
  ( Arguments = [First | _Rest] ->
    string.to_char_list(First, CharList),
    ( parser.top_level_expression(_E, CharList, Rest) ->
      ( Rest = [] -> 
        io.write_string("Found match!\n", IO_2, IO_Last)
      ; io.write_string("Partial match!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))
    ; io.write_string("No match!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))
  ; io.write_string("No arguments given!\n", IO_2, IO_Last)).

This is getting a little convoluted but bare with me - we will learn some syntax sugar that helps with code such as that in due time. The code while looking scary is simple - just nested ifs. And the only real part that has changed is this:

    ( parser.top_level_expression(_E, CharList, Rest) ->
      ( Rest = [] -> 
        io.write_string("Found match!\n", IO_2, IO_Last)
      ; io.write_string("Partial match!\n", IO_2, IO_Last))

So like we said before we want to find either an partial or a full match

Now for the parser module. The header:

:- module parser.

:- interface.
:- import_module char, list.
:- import_module adts.

:- pred top_level_expression(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.

Nothing fancy - we export the only predicate that we will use - and it’s a parser that will unify with lisp_vals.

In the implementation section we need to import other modules that we will use:

:- implementation.

:- import_module bool, string, list, integer.

Now the definitions of top_level_expression and expression:

top_level_expression(X) --> optional_space, expression(X), optional_space.

:- pred expression(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
expression(X) -->
  ( atom(Y)   -> { X = Y } 
  ; string(Y) -> { X = Y }
  ; number(Y) -> { X = Y }
  ; quoted(Y) -> { X = Y }
  ; ['('], 
    ( dotted_list(Y) -> { X = Y }
    ; list(X)),

% ...

:- pred optional_space(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is det. 
optional_space -->
  ( [' ']  -> optional_space
  ; ['\t'] -> optional_space
  ; [] ).

top_level_expression just follows the BNF grammar, so nothing surprising - it uses the optional_space predicate that uses recursion. If we’d try to analyze it we can see that if it find an ' ' empty space it will try to match more, same with the tab '\t' and if it finds neither it stops.

expression on the other had just delegates to the other parsers. Let’s analyze them one by one starting from the easiest:


For all the parsers that produce lisp_vals we will also write a parser that just matches tha characters without any additional logic. For clarity we will prefix them with parse_.

The definition of parse_number is:

:- pred parse_number(list(char)::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
parse_number(Chars) --> ( digit(X) ->
                          { Chars = [X | Xs] }, parse_number(Xs)
                        ; { Chars = [] } ).

% ...

:- pred digit(char::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
digit(X) --> [X], { char.is_digit(X) }.

digit first matches any character then uses a normal (i.e non DCG) predicate to check if that character is in the range 0-9. So we can say it just dcg-ifies the digit predicate.

parse_number tries to consume as many digits as possible. Recursively we append the current digit with the rest of the digits where the empty list is base case for recursion.

For the lisp_val-producing predicate:

:- pred number(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
number(Number) --> parse_number(Cs), { 
                     string.from_char_list(Cs, String),
                     Integer = integer.from_string(String),
                     Number = lisp_number(Integer)

We unify with parse_number(Cs) first - then obtain a string from the character list using string.from_char_list, next we convert the string into an integer using integer.from_string (possibly failing here if our parser ain’t right) and finally we wrap the integer with the lisp_number constructor.


String is not that much different from number, first let’s look at the parse_string predicate:

:- pred parse_string(list(char)::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
parse_string(CharList) --> 
  [ '"' ], 
  [ '"' ]. 

parse_string is really simple just using a combination of three other rules.

:- pred string_content(list(char)::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
string_content(Chars) -->  
  ( not_quote(X) ->
    string_content(Xs), { Chars = [X | Xs] }
  ; { Chars = [] }).

:- pred not_quote(char::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
not_quote(X) --> [X], { X \= '"' }.

We use not_quote as a helper rule - nothing interesting going on in there. string_content is tries to consume as many “not quotes” as possible unifying with Chars with the current not-quote-character cons-ed with the rest of the not-quote-characters in the input list.

And now string:

:- pred string(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
string(String) -->
  parse_string(CharList), {
    String = lisp_string(string.from_char_list(CharList))

Here we just convert the char list into a string and wrap that in the lisp_string constructor.


Parsing code:

:- pred parse_atom(list(char)::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
parse_atom(Name) -->
  ( letter(Y) -> 
    { X = Y }
  ; symbol(X) ),
    Name = [X | Xs]

% ...
:- pred letter(char::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
letter(X) --> [X], { char.is_alpha(X) }.

:- pred symbol(char::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
symbol(X) --> [X], { string.contains_char("!$%&|*+-/:<=>?@^_~#", X) }.

parse_atom will unify with the characters of the atom name, the head must either be letter or symbol - the former is a simple predicate and the latter we know from the previous parts.

If everything succeeded up to this point we then parse the rest of the atom name using the parse_atom_rest predicate and we unify the name by appending the first char with the output list of parse_atom_rest.

:- pred parse_atom_rest(list(char)::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
parse_atom_rest(Rest) -->
  ( letter(X) -> parse_atom_rest(Xs), { Rest = [X | Xs] }
  ; digit(X)  -> parse_atom_rest(Xs), { Rest = [X | Xs] }
  ; symbol(X) -> parse_atom_rest(Xs), { Rest = [X | Xs] }
  ; { Rest = [] }).

We should be used to sights like this by now - again a recursive rule and failing will unify the output with the empty list.

And this is all used by atom:

:- pred atom(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
atom(Atom) -->
    AtomName = string.from_char_list(Chars),
    ( AtomName = "#t" ->
      Atom = lisp_bool(yes)
    ; AtomName = "#f" ->
      Atom = lisp_bool(no)
    ; Atom = lisp_atom(AtomName))

First we use the parse_atom rule then we take the unified chars and covert them into a string - and we match on that. Either lisp_bool(yes), lisp_bool(no) or lisp_atom(AtomName) will be produced.


The quoted rule is really not that difficult to grasp:

:- pred quoted(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
quoted(Quoted) --> 
        [ '\'' ],
                Quoted = lisp_list([lisp_atom("quote"), Expression])

It uses just uses the previously defined expression passes that to a lisp_lisp with two elements lisp_atom("quote") and the second being the expression.

Note the mutual recursion between expression and quoted - think about this for a bit if it seems hard - but it’s really no different to “normal” recursion.


While the parse_ predicates before didn’t produce lisp_vals the parse_list here also won’t produce a single lisp_val- but it will produce a list of them. We define parse_list so it can be reused later on in parse_dotted_list.

:- pred parse_list(list(lisp_val)::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is det.
parse_list(List) -->
  ( expression(Expression), space, parse_list(Rest) -> { List = [ Expression | Rest ] }
  ; expression(Expression) -> { List = [Expression] }
  ; { List = [] } ).

Just nested if-then-else statements just like in the BNF grammar, we use expression once again and the non optional space rule which looks like this:

:- pred space(list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet. 
space -->
  ( [' ']  -> optional_space
  ; ['\t'], optional_space).

space tries to consume at least one ' ' or '\t' and then it “delegates” to optional_space rule.

Finally we wrap the list(lisp_val) in a lisp_list in the list predicate:

:- pred list(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is det.
list(List) --> parse_list(Xs), { List = lisp_list(Xs) }.


In parse_dotted_list we reuse the parse_list rule then match against the dot ., space and expression - see the caveats section in the goal if you don’t know why it looks like that.

:- pred parse_dotted_list(list(lisp_val)::out, lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
parse_dotted_list(List, Expression) -->
  parse_list(List), ['.'], space, expression(Expression).

parse_dotted_list unifies with two output variables - a list and an expression we use that in dotted_list

:- pred dotted_list(lisp_val::out, list(char)::in, list(char)::out) is semidet.
dotted_list(Dotted_List) -->
  parse_dotted_list(Xs, X), { Dotted_List = lisp_dotted_list(Xs, X) }.

… wrapping both in the lisp_dotted_list constructor.


In the next parts we will concentrate on writing simple evaluators for the values that we parsed starting with converting them to strings.
